Box o' Rocks

Box o' Rocks
found beside book drop

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thing #19 Web 2.0 Awards

I clicked on the Visual Arts award winners and was kind of apalled.  Color Blender? with graphs?  The Broth sounded more like what I had in mind for arts oriented web.  There was some art that looked a bit serious, but only a bit.  Then there's some (ok, a lot) that looks like grade school kids submitted it.  Grade school art is ok,(and even fun) if you're expecting grade school art and I guess I just expected higher quality from something billed as an award winner.  I see better artwork on commercial websites.  Is it just the difficulty of many trying to create together?  I guess public art is just a messy business.

I also looked at two other award winners,  Backpack and Be Green. Backpack is an info and to do list organizer that I'll be visiting later to see what I can use there.  Be Green sucked me in, I was entering my information to see how my carbon footprint stacked up.  I'm feeling a bit green because I drive an old Honda and haven't had any airline travel this year, giving me below the average for my car/fuel use.  I have to sit down with my electric bill though, I'm sure we're better than average with our energy useage there too.  It was fun to do and made you think.

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